Well, most of my Christmas gifts got finished. Did I remember to take pictures before I gave them away? Of course not; that would have been too smart....
Anyway, I took a break from sewing. I was tired. I have today off from work, DH was at work, and M was at daycare. It was a perfect day to sew (and do laundry). I worked on something for myself today. Last year for Christmas, I made ML a thread carrier. I really liked it, so did she and everyone else. I have been trying to perfect my pattern in my head since I made hers. I think I have it like I want it now. It went together fairly fast. I decided at the last minute to embroider on the front pocket, so that slowed me down. All that is left is to attach the embroidered pocket and sew and whip the binding. I need to finish it soon, because I need to use it as a class sample. I am teaching this pattern in late January at Deb-Bee's. I'll take a picture of it and post is later.